Information and Policies
Application Process: Applications are reviewed and determined within two weeks of submission.
Display Requirements: A white 10x10 canopy, with weights, is required. If you use a table in your display, please be advised that a floor length table covering(s) is mandatory.
Cancellations: There are no refunds given for participant cancellations after submission of the booth fee. If you’d like to request a change of date after payment submission, you must do so at least two weeks prior to the market. Once the two week window expires, participants will forfeit their booth fee in its entirety.
Weather: All events are held in light rain or shine. Date change requests due to weather will be considered on a case-by-case basis and must be submitted at least 72 hours in advance of the market date. Should The Makers Boulevard be cancelled due to bad weather or poor air quality, booth fees will be rolled over to the rescheduled event date, or a credit will be applied to your business for use at a future event -- Note, participants must complete the application process for their date of choice.
Booth location: The location of your booth will be determined one week prior to the event. Please be aware that your booth assignment will be in either City Park, or on Oak Street. All booth requests are carefully reviewed and determined upon submission.
Covid-19: Please be aware that The Makers Boulevard is actively following CDC recommendations in regards to public gatherings. Should there be any change in the market because of CDC mandates, The Makers Boulevard will be sure to communicate those modifications with you in a timely manner.
The Makers Boulevard does not take responsibility for the outcome of your market sales. In the effort to obtain optimum results, all vendors are encouraged to promote their attendance & products/goods in advance of the market.